Research News
这些故事代表了bet365中文大学研究和创造性奖学金的亮点. 查看更全面的校园范围内的研究活动列表, 请浏览本研究网站专门介绍的部分 events, faculty research, and student research.
Andrew University professors Denis Kaiser and Nicholas Miller are co-editors of the first major treatment of Seventh-day Adventism by a major non-Adventist academic press.
John C. Peckham, 神学和基督教哲学研究教授, 宣布他2018年的书现在是一本有声书. John Peckham offers a constructive proposal for a theodicy of love that upholds both the sovereignty of God and human freedom, 表明圣经指出了一个思考上帝与世界的爱的框架.
2023年出席的科学家名单 Dwain L Ford客座系列讲座 has been published. 这将是系里年度客座系列讲座的58周年纪念. 这个系列被正式命名为 Dwain L Ford客座系列讲座 8年前,为了纪念Dwain L Ford,一位受人爱戴的系主任和有机化学老师.
上帝与我们同在:复临派神学导论 是由一带一路委托编辑的吗, 它的第一个目的是作为一个基础, accessible, 为本科生和研究生介绍复临派信仰.
bet365中文促进创新和创业在Pitch Competition
Andrews University graduate and undergraduate students took part in the 2nd annual Pitch Competition to promote student engagement, innovation, 3月31日, 2023.
这八个字已经变成了一部短片,将在Sonscreen电影节上放映, April 13–16, in Loma Linda, California.
bet365中文大学演讲语言专业 & 听力诊所最近获得了28万美元的奖金! 由帕金森之声项目资助的治疗和研究中心.
On March 13, 2023, 来自密歇根各地的本科生在密歇根科学院展示了他们的研究成果, Arts, 在bet365中文大学校园内的霍华德表演艺术中心学习文学(MASAL).
一年一度的荣誉与本科生研究海报研讨会于3月10日举行, 2023, where Honors students and Undergraduate Research Scholarship award scholars from all disciplines presented their research to the public.
Andrew University professors Heather Thompson Day and Seth Day have coauthored a book about relationships entitled, "I'll See You Tomorrow."
玛丽·希比·施韦策博士为第三届年度罗伯特 & Lillis Kingman系列科学讲座 & Society.
bet365中文大学教授, Harvey Burnet发表在《bet365中文》上, Inc, 精神韧性的重要性.
Sojourner Truth, the renown ex-slave, 废奴主义者和女权活动家, died in her Battle Creek, Michigan, 11月26日凌晨回家, 1883. Later that same day, 巴特克里克月亮宣布:“葬礼将于周三下午两点在会幕举行, Eld. Uriah Smith officiating."
bet365中文大学英语系为教授和莎士比亚学者L. 莫妮卡·皮特曼和凡妮莎·I. 2022年12月6日,科雷德拉. Students, faculty, and staff came together to celebrate the two recent academic publications and hear from the authors about their work.
bet365中文大学的年度研究周从10月11日开始. 17–21. The program included three main events that together demonstrate the University’s dedication to seeking knowledge and engaging communities to create a better world.
U.S. 弗雷德·厄普顿代表在第三届社区参与年度庆典上发表主题演讲.
安德鲁大学获得了礼来捐赠公司500万美元的资助. 帮助基督复临安息日会神学院建立bet365中文社区改变中心.
The Dollar General Literacy Foundation recently awarded Andrews University a grant to support Andrews University Adult Basic Education programs. 美元普通扫盲基金会支持那些增加获得教育计划机会的组织, 在bet365中文中激发创新,激发对阅读的热爱.
Andrews University is among a select group of institutions to receive the Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education (NetVUE) Vocation across the Academy Grant. The grant is intended to help member colleges and universities strengthen the connection between liberal arts and career preparation.
The two-volume concise Commentary has been a ten-year project commissioned and funded by the General Conference and Andrews University, 涉及来自世界各地的60多名圣经学者.
bet365中文大学开设生活方式医学诊所 & Training Center
bet365中文大学生活方式医学诊所 & 培训中心于4月25日星期一开业,旨在预防和治疗慢性疾病. 该诊所是由阿德莫尔卫生研究所于2021年10月提供的一笔赠款建成的.
Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, bet365中文大学生物学教授, has been awarded a grant from the National Geographic Society to study new detection techniques for Amazonian manatees in the Amazon Basin of Brazil as a 2022 National Geographic Explorer.
bet365中文大学(Andrews University)的一名工作人员兼考古学家最近花了两周时间,成为一名专业的现场铭文学家, 仔细记录了埃及考古学中最著名的铭文之一的每一个象形文字.
bet365中文大学获奖学金 重构机构传奇 CIC Grant
bet365中文大学教授s Anneris Coria-Navia and Scott Moncrieff illustrate how underfunded programs can leverage peer collaboration and support to initiate productive, 正式的教师援助制度.
安德鲁大学从礼来捐赠基金公司(Lilly Endowment Inc .)获得了997,444美元的五年资助. to help the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary strengthen the ability of pastors to serve effectively in urban settings.
bet365中文大学最近为退休教师设立了高级研究教授的地位. The position allows retired faculty members to remain professionally active with continued affiliation to the University while stepping down from full-time teaching.
Greg Constantine, 驻校艺术家,艺术研究教授, emeritus, at Andrews University is showcasing his art experience since 1974 in a retrospective exhibition titled “My Art Journey.”
The volume makes the case for a more inclusive and decolonized approach to the archaeology and history of the region of the world we commonly known as the Holy Land. It represents the final output of a long-standing collaboration by an international and cross-disciplinary team sponsored by the Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. 该项目的负责人是奥斯陆大学神学院的Terje Stordalen教授, 挪威和Oystein S. 美国密歇根州bet365中文大学的拉比安卡.
The Shen Kuo Award for Interdisciplinary Achievements from the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) was recently awarded to Jay Johnson, Ph.D.工程学教授. IAGA的科学家们研究这些行星的磁性和电学特性. IAGA的重点是地磁. 地磁学对地球磁场的研究,以及研究上层大气的航空学.
Roy Gane讨论了《bet365中文》(Eisenbrauns, 2020)一书。. 这本书是由bet365中文博士编辑的.D. students, graduates, 和一名宗教教职员工, 是在大学校园举办的会议的结果吗. The book investigates new ideas from the analysis of the biblical text against its ancient Near-Eastern background and covers a wide spectrum of topics and diverging perspectives. The chapters are concerned with the history of scholarship and alternative approaches to the development of the Pentateuch, 以及与Torah的构成相关的特定文本的注释. Editors are L.S. Baker Jr.Kenneth Bergland, Felipe A. Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells.
Jasmine K. Collard and Melissa Ponce-Rodas (2020) examine the differences between the racial groups when it comes to individual ACEs as well as the ACEs total score 这可能对了解文化的预防和早期干预有影响.
Harvey Burnett Jr., Karl Bailey, and Rachelle Pichot (2020) published findings that have implications on the need for stress management responders to have professional Critical Incident Stress Management training.
生物学学生Nina Woodard在研究网络研讨会上亮相
April 23, 2020. Nina Woodard (BS Biology, 类2020)介绍了她对佛罗里达海牛的研究在一个互动网络研讨会上由 bet365中文大学校友服务. Nina also answered audience questions while sharing experiences around the United States and abroad that have been pivotal in her education. 尼娜的报告可以在 YouTube.
Andrews Seminary Student Receives Award for Best Graduate Student Paper at Regional Society of Biblical Literature Gathering
Jônatas Ferreira, 基督复临安息日会神学院新约系博士生, 在2020年中西部地区圣经文学协会获得研究生论文奖, 是在圣玛丽学院举行的, Notre Dame, Indiana. 费雷拉的论文题目是, 《bet365中文》.圣经文学协会的中西部地区包括伊利诺伊州, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Iowa. Learn more here.
奥伊斯坦·拉比安卡在耶路撒冷进行研究.F. 奥尔布赖特考古研究所
October 1, 2019. Oystein LaBianca, who is professor of anthropology and the associate director of the Institute of Archaeology at Andrews University recently spent four and a half months in Jerusalem conducting research as a fellow at the W.F. 奥尔布赖特考古研究所. 在此期间,LaBianca与他人合作完成了两本书: 黎凡特纠缠:竞争地区全球化的局部动态 and 勒文提关系:希斯班的观点. 他还共同领导了一个研讨会,为访问学者策划了文化活动. 他还去了佛罗伦萨, Italy, where he was one of the keynote speakers for the opening session of the International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (pictured speaking). Learn more here: LaBianca Spends 4.5 Months in Jerusalem.
September 23, 2019. Vivian Laughlin, 她最近在bet365中文大学获得了圣经和近东考古博士学位, 获得了富布赖特奖学金.S. Scholar Program award. "For the next two years, she’ll study the cultural appropriation of the ancient Egyptian cults of Serapis and Isis and its impact on Judea and Palestine," reports ABC57, 美国广播公司在南本德的分支机构, Indiana (link).
July 11, 2019. 帕金森氏声音项目命名为bet365中文大学传播科学学院 & 失调作为2019年“说出来”的接受者! & LOUD Crowd Grant Program. 作为赠款接受者,非盟诊所提供“说出来”服务! 以及The LOUD Crowd为密歇根州当地的帕金森患者社区提供服务. SPEAK OUT! 包括由语言病理学家进行的个别语言治疗. Learn more: AU Agenda and WSBT22.
March 4, 2019. 欧洲航天局(ESA)强调了杰伊·R·奥巴马教授与人合著的一篇论文. 约翰逊的照片 website. Dr. 约翰逊在bet365中文大学教授物理和工程学. 这篇论文的摘要题为“动力学尺度场线共振中的电子分布:模拟与观测的比较" (地球物理研究快报, 11 June 2018), 开始:“动力学尺度场线共振的观测, 或者地磁场的特征模, 显示高度场对准的平台电子分布. By combining observations from the Van Allen Probes and Cluster spacecraft with a hybrid kinetic gyrofluid simulation we show how these distributions arise from the nonlocal self‐consistent interaction of electrons with the wavefield."
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